
How to transfer campaign data back into your institution's data system


What is a writeback file?

Upon request, the data from Full Measure can be sent via the sFTP to be imported into your data system. Full Measure Education uses the term ‘writeback’ to reference a set of files that are placed in the ‘incoming’ directory of an institution’s sFTP. There are typically two directories inside of an institution’s sFTP: an ‘incoming’ folder and an ‘outgoing’ folder.

  • The ‘outgoing’ folder typically houses the student/contact and audience files that are then integrated into the Full Measure platform.
  • The ‘incoming’ folder will contain 1-4 writeback files that are placed into the sFTP by Full Measure.
Note: To connect to the SFTP, you will need four key pieces of information: domain, username, private key, and read path. This information can be found in the platform under "Connections" or from your CSM. If you don't have Connections access, you most likely do not have the appropriate permissions.
There are typically four files that can be written back to the ‘incoming folder’. These are Letter Opens, Links Clicked, Delivery Statistics, and Form Responses. 
  1. content_card_opens.csv
    1. Fields included:
      1.  contact_id (this is the student’s unique identifier that you have provided to us in the contact file)
      2.  first_name
      3.  last_name
      4. mobile_phone_number
      5. liked (refers to the heart icon at the top right hand corner of the content page. “T” means the student has ‘liked’ the content page, and “f” means the student has not ‘liked’ the content page)
      6. last_viewed (this is the most recent timestamp from when the student clicked the link from the text message. If a student has opened the content page multiple times, this field will update to show the most recent time)
      7. counts (the number of times a student has opened the content card)
  2. content_card_engagement.csv
    1. Fields included:
      1. contact_id (this is the student’s unique identifier that you have provided to us in the contact file)
      2. first_name
      3. last_name
      4. mobile_phone_number
      5. card_name
      6. link/button_text(refers to each component on the content page that can be tracked via URL, such as buttons and AR lenses)
      7. created_at (this is the most recent timestamp of the student interacting with the corresponding URL)
      8. count_clicks (the number of times a student has interacted with that specific component)
      9. Note: A new row is created in this file for each different click on the content page
  3. Delivery_stats.csv
    1. Fields included:
      1. contact_id
      2. campaign_name
      3. first_name
      4. last_name
      5. phone_number
      6. message_sent_to (the phone number the message was sent to)
      7. status
      8. error messages (if the message was undelivered, it will provide a reason as to why) 
      9. time_sent_est (the time the message was sent)
  4. Form_responses.csv (if there are any forms in your content)
    1. Fields included:
      1. contact_id (this is the student’s unique identifier that you have provided to us in the contact file)
      2. The other column headers will be the questions on the form with the students’ responses

Note: We can include all data on the writeback file, but information about opens and links clicked by individual students will only be there for students who received a link via an outbound message.

CVE Writeback Files

We highly recommend our CVE clients write back the data collected from submitted inquiry forms. 

Fields included: 
  1. Email

    1. Example: test@test.com

  2. First Name
    1. Example: Tester
  3. Last Name
    1. Example: Visitor
  4. Affiliation 
    1. Example: Prospective Student
  5. Date of Birth
    1. Example: 10/10/96
  6. Matriculation Year
    1. Example: 2023
  7. Tour Type
    1. Example: prebuilt_tour
  8. Title/Tags
    1. Example: Coalition for College Tour
  9. Time
    1. Example: 9/22/2022 2:39:00 AM

Can you do writebacks directly into Slate? 

Full Measure does not offer a writeback directly into Slate, but we can help you get set up with automated imports. The writeback will still go into the same incoming folder as mentioned above.

For step by step instructions on how to set up the Slate import to connect to Full Measure's sFTP server, refer to this presentation.

How often is new data imported?

Data will be retrieved from the sFTP and updated within the system at a set schedule. Typical integrations are configured to update every eight hours, starting in the early morning. For questions about your import schedule, create a ticket.


Ready to get started? Submit a writeback request form.


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