Data Upload: Secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP)

Recommended for clients that can set up automated file transfers from their system of record


Accessing the sFTP

The data exchange between Full Measure and your institution will be completed via sFTP. Full Measure will provide the necessary credentials to access the correct directory for your school in the following format:
  •  Server:
  •  Username: schoolname
  •  Path: /fme-sftp/schoolname/outgoing
  •  Private key (this will be sent via email)
The sFTP credentials will be provided via email to the designated data person on your team after the kickoff call.

For more information on how to connect to the sFTP go here

You've been sent your sFTP credentials and are ready to provide Full Measure the required data to launch. 

File Structure

  • All files shared via the sFTP should be in .csv format with UTF 8 encoding
  • The first row of each file should be headers describing the column contents of each row 
  • Two types of files are required for all our Experiences:
    • A contact file (to create the student record)
    • One or more audience files (to distinguish the types of students)
It is important to keep the file naming consistent when updating data. 
  • Contact Files should always begin with "fullmeasure_student_" followed by any word or combination of letters. See more below in the “Contact File” section

  • Audience files should always begin with "fullmeasure_audience_" followed by any word or combination of letters that identifies the group. See more below in the “Audience File” section

The contact file provides Full Measure with the necessary data to create a record in our system. This population of records should include any student that you want to communicate with via Full Measure.

This file should always begin with "fullmeasure_student_" followed by any word or combination of letters. Example:  fullmeasure_student_fall21.csv.


To update this file, you are able to either overwrite the file or place a file following the same format with a timestamp at the end of the file name. All contact files need to be prefixed with fullmeasure_student_.

Required Fields Example
first_name: The first name of the record.
last_name: The last name of the record.
mobile_phone_number: The phone number of the record
contact_id: Unique string identifier that will not change
  •  The contact_id is typically the ID associated with the student in your CRM
email: The email of a record

🔥 Hot Tip: Personalize your content cards and campaign messages at scale with tags. If you would like to pass other data over in your contact file, you're free to do so. Please make sure to label the additional column headers as descriptively as possible. 

The audience file is the segment (targeted) group of students that will be sent your content. 
These audience(s) will be sent a campaign message, often linking to a content card. It's helpful if the audience is determined while creating the content. 

This file should always begin with "fullmeasure_audience_" followed by any word or combination of letters that identifies the group. Examples: fullmeasure_audience_juniorinquiries.csv or fullmeasure_audience_admitvisitMar_2022.csv

Cumulative files are highly recommended. Instead of uploading a file with only contact_ids of new students, please add those ids to your existing file. Students will not receive repetitive messages.

Required Fields Example
contact_id: This id should match the records' id from the contact file Tonyfull412

This file should only have this one column. A student must be included in the contact file in order to exist in the audience file. If a student's contact_id exists only in the audience file, they will not be created in the Full Measure system and will not receive any messages. 

Leading 0s in your contact ids can cause errors with your audience upload.

If your contact_ids have leading 0s, please make sure they are carried over throughout all of your data files! If this does not happen, our system can think the same student is different because of the variation in their ID.

Viewing or manipulating data in Excel can be a pain - we totally get it!
If you are concerned about whether your IDs are showing properly, our best suggestion is to not use Excel, and instead use Google sheets or Sublime (a free text editor). You can more easily format numbers in these two programs. If you don't have access to either of these, please submit a support ticket.

The basics to include the leading 0s:
Highlight Column > Format Cells > Number > Custom > In the "Type" section, add the number of zeros as there are characters in the student ID (i.e. for 000123456, do "000"######)

Here are several articles by Microsoft themselves that go into more depth:

If you have any issues or questions, please submit a ticket.