
Learn about the general tour settings

When you first access the Tour section of the platform, you will be asked to set up your institution's tour settings. It is recommended to complete this step before starting the tour building process, but you do have the option to skip this step and complete it prior to previewing any of your tours. 

tours setup

Tour Settings

tour settings On your Settings page, fill in the fields. Make sure to click "Save" in the top-right hand corner once you are done. 

  • Logo: Please upload only one logo. This will be displayed above your institution name when searched on the app and web versions. 
  • Profile
    • About:  A short 2-3 sentence description of your institution. This usually includes the location (city and state), institution type and key attributes you are known for.
    • Contact us button link URL: The website that students will be directed to ask any questions. This is most commonly your institutions main web page. contact us
    • Location: Enter an address then drag the pin to adjust. A popular campus spot or the center of campus is typically used. If you have multiple campuses, you will need to add this campus in All Campuses
    • All Campuses: Multicampus ONLYIf you have multiple campuses add them here by selecting the black plus button then entering an address then drag the pin to adjust. Name the campus accordingly. 
      additional campus
  • Brand colors: The preferred colors used throughout your tour for homepages and CTAs, input via hex values. 
  • Application images: Upload your preferred homepage and conclusion images. Your homepage image will be shown in the institution selection menu as well as your institution's tour homepage. The conclusion image will show in the background after the "Finish Tour" button is selected. views

You cannot edit your institution name. If you would like it changed, please contact your CSM or submit a support ticket

You can aways edit your tour settings by accessing the gear icon in the top right hand menu. 



There are currently not different permissions for tour creation; you either have access to edit tours or you do not. 

For Coalition for College members, your tour building settings will reflect the 1 Coalition for College tour that is made up of 12 locations focused on access, affordability, and student success on your campus. You will not be able to create additional locations or add additional tours.