CVE Adoption Playbooks

Post-launch projects to make your CVE successful

So you've launched your CVE and are left wondering with some questions:
  • Am I utilizing this Experience to its fullest extent?
  • How can we reach more students with our tours?
  • What are some quick wins I can add now that I've done the heavy lifting of the initial launch?
Not to worry! Our playbook will equip you with various CVE post-launch projects to pursue on your own time to increase tour adoption and maximize our CVE partnership.
Watch the quick, 2-minute video below to learn what our CVE Playbook is and how to use it ⤵️

Post-Launch Projects

Ensure your tour continues to stay relevant to the evolving needs of your visitors with the projects below.
Project Name
Project Description
Estimated Time
Design General Campus Tour 
Launch a general campus tour, similar to the tour that your student tour guides are currently giving on campus. Ensure that this tour touches on-campus locations and features of campus life that are most essential to a prospective student making a decision.
3-4 weeks
Design Personalized Tour
Design the signature tour experience that the Campus Visit Experience is known for: a personalized tour! Driven by what makes every student unique, allow every visitor to generate a tour that specifically meets their holistic needs based on custom tags that you provide.
3-4 weeks
Launch Student Testimonial Card (Client Examples)
Students want to hear from current students when making their college decision! Accordingly, we recommend leveraging User Generated Content (UGC) in your tours. To do this, we recommend crowdsourcing videos from your best storytellers: your students! Either use the template we provide, or design your own content card to collect a diverse collection of student, staff, and faculty voices that showcase your vibrant community.
1 business day
Launch On-Campus Card
Engage with your visitors while they are on-campus by providing an on-campus tour content card. Using the template we provide, you can provide your on-campus tour participants arrival information, where to park, a tour agenda, and prompt them to download the Full Measure Tours app for a heightened experience.
1 business day
Launch Post-Tour Card
Your prospective student has taken your tour, so now what? Be sure to provide your tour participants with next steps and resources to nudge them to apply and enroll using a Post-Tour Card. Use this content card to collect tour feedback, participant information, connect them with students and staff, and guide them to the next logical resources on their journey.
1 business day
Set up QR Code
With your CVE package, the FM team will set up 1 QR code for students and visitors to scan and access the stream of campus visit content cards. Use this QR code in highly visible places so that visitors are quickly equipped with tour information and resources. Consider adding this QR code to email signatures, frequently visited places, mailers, and business cards.
1 business day
Set up Text-In Keyword
With your CVE package, the FM team will setup 1 text-in keyword for students to message and access the stream of campus visit content cards. Students will be able to text this keyword to a 5-digit phone number (ex. Tour Winsford to 58052). Consider advertising this keyword in your email signature, during your events, in your mailers, or even your video call backgrounds.
1 business day
Set up and Launch Campaign
To ensure that a wide variety of students are able to tour and experience your institution, consider creating campaigns to advertise all that you have to offer. Campaigns allow institutions to create and send text messages on their own, deciding who the message is sent to, what the message says, the content card included, when the message is delivered, and who the message is delivered from. These messages can either be generic, sent to all prospective students, or targeted based on identified populations or interests.
1 business day
Receive Tour Data
Data drives everything we do, so it's important that you have access to all the insights you need in order to evaluate how your tour experience is going. Accordingly, we've designed a dashboard that quickly presents key insights and trends that allows quick and transparent evaluation of your tours. By default, these dashboards will be delivered weekly, but you're welcome to contact our team to request a different cadence.
Promote Tours with Social Media
It's always great to engage students who are looking to learn more about your institution on social media, but how are you capturing that interest? Using your community link, consider linking to your cards and tour either within your stories or in your bio. By directing a prospective student to actionable resources, you can be begin to measure the effectiveness of your marketing and increase tour participation.
Promote Tours on Website
Students have shared how challenging it is to find the answers they are looking for. Make their search easier by centralizing all of your tour resources on one page, including your tours with Full Measure. Remind students you have a visit experience that is 24/7 and accessible to virtually anyone. Make sure to include visuals!
Design Special Interest Tour
General tours are helpful, but students are always looking to understand how their unique needs will be met by your institution. To address these questions more specifically, consider designing special interest tours that provide prescribed pathways for students who are looking to explore specific aspects of your institution. Consider using data collected from your tour or feedback surveys to determine what your next offering will be.
2 weeks
Launch Special Interest Cards
Take full advantage of the Campus Visit Experience by directing your visitors (and their support community) to completely custom landing pages that provide exactly what they are looking for. Though the Experience comes with 4 templated cards, we encourage you to go beyond that and design custom cards for specific audiences. Consider designing a card for first-generation students, a card for special events on campus, or a card for transfer students.
3-5 business
Pass Inquiry Data to CRM
The Campus Visit Experience captures a wide variety of data points, but it's natural to want to centralize your data into one location. Consider working with the Full Measure team to receive your inquiry form data in the form of a writeback file. This will grant you greater visibility into your visitors and tour behaviors. Fill out this form to request your writeback and read our Writeback Article for more information.
3-5 business